



I'm Erin Jo. I'm thinking, writing, dreaming, mothering, loving, living, praising, BLESSED to be Fiona to my Shrek and Mommy to my four amazing kiddos.



Shrek is "like an onion with many layers" but has a heart of gold. He's my husband and my friend, and we just get better all the time.



Lily is my first baby and only girl. She's smart, funny, tall and kind. Keeping up with this girl is a challenge and a joy. She's terrific!



Max is one part ogre, two parts lover and all boy! Our little man has a temper but gives the best hugs of anyone I know!



Colby is as ornery as he looks. He flirts shamelessly, even with strangers. He's all mouth and curls and the loudest by far.



Luke is the baby of the family, but holds his own. He's happy and adorable. And he's a terrible sleeper. =)

Archive for December, 2011

I Remain

I have to admit that I haven’t been feeling very “bloggy” lately. While this isn’t expected, it’s also not a surprise. When there are so many irons in the fire, it’s understandable that one might just glide right off the page at some point. This happens often, but I remain. I have been off on […]

So This Is Christmas

Merry Christmas! We’ve had another blessed holiday around here, save for a couple of babies with strep throat and some other selected, but small, crises. It was a good time, and I’m still orienting myself to this very day and hour (is it true that 2011 is nearly over?!?), trying to get all the technological […]

Can’t Wait

My mind is a melting pot. I have so many random thoughts right now that there is no way I’ll nail this post. It’s Christmas, mild weather, sick babies and contacts that feel as though they have been glued to my eyeballs. It’s a house that’s clean enough, gifts that are ready enough and laundry […]

All is Calm

An old snap of Lily, who is more excited about the snow than I am! Dude, why is it always 11 p.m.? Not really, but I can’t seem to stop at night. I’m always doing “one more thing,” no matter what time of year it is and what day it is. I had an amazingly […]

What We Carry

I have to say, I am feeling a little rough. The sore throat, yeah, and a stuffiness in both ears. But it’s more the hormones, I think. Out of whack! And yet I’m pushing myself through it. Only eleven sleeps ’til Christmas! And I do have a lot to do, but I’m trying to do […]

Joyful, Joyful

This photo of Colby on the Santa Train in Nelsonville sums up the Christmas joy we all felt this past weekend. It was busy busy busy! Lucas is doing so well after getting his tubes. I am very happy to report we have seen more smiles, better balance and MUCH longer stretches of sleep. Thank […]

Weekend Kickoff

Aww, little man!! This photo was taken this morn after a very fitful night. Poor Lukey’s face was wet with tears, slobber, snot, what have you. He is not well. And wow, are we tired! Alas, this night threatens to be worse, and I must hit the sheets. Tubes are scheduled, thank goodness. I only […]

An Elf and All Kinds of Magic

It’s that time of year. The magic is starting to happen around here. We have a new tradition. His name is Alexander McGee, and he is an elf. He has already brought great joy and mischief in three short days, and we look forward to having him as a wacky, exciting houseguest through Christmas. What […]

Learning Everyday

It’s been a very long week with some really ugly moments, but some beautiful ones too. I am very tired, very impatient for some time to myself and very happy that I’m not normally on my own with the kids, as I was most of this week. Ah, Deer Camp. You slay me. I haven’t […]