



I'm Erin Jo. I'm thinking, writing, dreaming, mothering, loving, living, praising, BLESSED to be Fiona to my Shrek and Mommy to my four amazing kiddos.



Shrek is "like an onion with many layers" but has a heart of gold. He's my husband and my friend, and we just get better all the time.



Lily is my first baby and only girl. She's smart, funny, tall and kind. Keeping up with this girl is a challenge and a joy. She's terrific!



Max is one part ogre, two parts lover and all boy! Our little man has a temper but gives the best hugs of anyone I know!



Colby is as ornery as he looks. He flirts shamelessly, even with strangers. He's all mouth and curls and the loudest by far.



Luke is the baby of the family, but holds his own. He's happy and adorable. And he's a terrible sleeper. =)

Living the Dream

I think two weeks is plenty long enough not to blog. And don’t you think these pictures call for a celebration? In the midst of all the craziness, I managed to get my family slightly color-coordinated and in front of the lens of a fantastic photographer on a mild, sunny December Sunday morning. Cue the bells. This is a small miracle.

We mothers. I tell you… We mothers are a terrific, dynamic, amazing, incredible breed. We do it all. We work, we love, we organize, we gather. We plan, we create and we make things happen. We are movers and shakers and dreamers. And we won’t give up. No. Never.

So, wow. My “late summer” mentality turned quickly into an Origami Owl elf hustle. And now? Well, it’s less than two weeks until Christmas. And I have four kids who believe in Santa Claus. And about 60 orders to finish…..

And it feels like it is about the numbers lately, like my mind has been on such overdrive, keeping all the files in the right compartments in all the recesses of my brain…. Because you better believe I’m still working. And kids are still needing their momma, and I’m still married and stoking that fire.

In the past several weeks, I have misplaced my keys (yes, again!), both of my locket necklaces, and both my sets of current eyeglasses. I kid you not. All are still missing. Twice, I have left my house for work without earrings, which drives me crawzy! (A word for when you are feeling especially crazy!) And twice, I have stopped to buy a new pair.

If you come to my house right now, you’ll see that we did manage to get a tree up. (Thank you, seven-pound-four-ounce baby Jesus!) You might slip on that spot of the hardwood floor between the dining room table and the new toy area in the dining room where Colby and Lucas sprayed about half a can of furniture polish while that tree was being finished. And I might ask you to help me look for my glasses (or my lockets or my keys.)

I’ll offer you a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, depending on the hour, or our moods, or our responsibilities. You won’t see those presents under the tree, but you’ll know that they are stuffed in my closet in the most haphazard of ways. You won’t eat a homemade Christmas cookie or kiss under my mistletoe.

But you’ll know that we’re getting there. That our love is so great and so real and so palpable. You’ll know this is the real deal, that we’re family and we’re going to sail through this Christmas with flying colors.

Because Christmas is love and magic and family… And we have so much of all three.


** Photos by the ever amazing Kristin Pottmeyer. Check her out at

6 Responses

  1. Patti Miller says:

    You perfectly describe the Dec. days of a busy mother and wife. Christmas is about Jesus, family and love , the rest will fall into place or not. All the things we do and prepare for Christmas are wonderful and do help make it special. In reality though, Christmas wouldn’t be anything without love, family and the birth of jesus! I love this holiday season and sharing it with our special family. I am so thankful to have been blest with such wonderful family and friends. Enjoy this time of the year and I’m glad you have the attitude that more of us should have. Don’t let the details spoil the beauty of the season!! Merry Christmas to all! Hang in there and keep your beautiful outlook on life!

  2. Stacey Gribble says:

    Beautiful pictures!!!! Love reading your blog!’

  3. Kim Cooper says:

    Great pics! I see a Christmas card in you future! ;). I may have to stop to ransack your house for the missing items. Santa Clause is coming to town…and I can’t wait!

  4. Roberta Pitts says:

    Love the family pics! Beautiful as always! Everyone loves their lockets here by the way. I can’t help you with those lost items other than praying that you find them. In fact I can’t help you with Christmas cookies either becuase in my 3 trips to the grocery store I keep forgetting random cookie ingredients! Even with a list. My brain is elsewhere I guess, still in summer, on BMX ;), work projects, I dunno… So for now I send you lots of Christmas blessings, love, and prayers. I hope I can squeeze in some squeezes with your fam over the holiday! Love you all!

  5. Jessica Yost says:

    Amazing pics! Your heart must swelleth:)What an accomplishment…in all of your spare time, you arranged family pics. I am in awe. This is an obstacle I just can’t seem to conquer. You have inspired me to try harder! Hope to see you over the holidays! Love ya!

  6. Oh Christmas joy! Your pictures are wonderful. Everybody looks great. You are working so hard trying to get it all done! Hopefully things will start to fall into place and you can get some much needed rest and relaxation! Yep, Moms are superstars. No doubt about it. You work two jobs, raise wonderful children, keep everyone healthy and Happy and still manage to do it with style and grace!

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