



I'm Erin Jo. I'm thinking, writing, dreaming, mothering, loving, living, praising, BLESSED to be Fiona to my Shrek and Mommy to my four amazing kiddos.



Shrek is "like an onion with many layers" but has a heart of gold. He's my husband and my friend, and we just get better all the time.



Lily is my first baby and only girl. She's smart, funny, tall and kind. Keeping up with this girl is a challenge and a joy. She's terrific!



Max is one part ogre, two parts lover and all boy! Our little man has a temper but gives the best hugs of anyone I know!



Colby is as ornery as he looks. He flirts shamelessly, even with strangers. He's all mouth and curls and the loudest by far.



Luke is the baby of the family, but holds his own. He's happy and adorable. And he's a terrible sleeper. =)

Never enough

There was a Facebook post this week that I saw from a Missouri mom (Kate Lambert, of Uptown Farms) who was disheartened by people giving ideas for what to do with “all this time.” She was flummoxed by the idea that maybe she should teach her kids life skills, take an online class, learn French (never), et cetera.

I think of things to do with “all this time,” too, and then I get a grip! Who am I kidding?! While this pandemic has given us a lot of time at home and with our families, it’s also given us a lot of new jobs!

I’m still working, mothering, homeschooling, cooking, doing laundry and dishes, trying to keep the kids clean and safe and alive and happy and trying to get a workout every day. I see you, Kate Lambert! And I don’t even live on a farm. (Our cat is easy peasy. Thank you, Hazel Marie.)

There are things I’d love to do…. I would like to read a good novel that carries me away from my own reality. I have an idea for repainting and repurposing two framed dinosaur prints into signs for our master bathroom. I’d like to make some shirts for my camping friends. I have a desk, end tables and a coffee table to refinish. Naps to take. Journal entries to write. New spring magazines to read…

But I can’t seem to find the time.

On Sunday, Lily and I found the time to help my mom make fabric masks for many of our large extended family. We socially distanced, except for this photo, I promise. And I think that was the last quality time we’ll get to spend with her until this is all over.

That first cup of coffee every day is a joy. I always have hope in my heart that we’ll get through the homework, the video meetings and the endless food activities—the deciding, the making, the baking, the clean-up…. the dishes.

There are bright moments in each day, but plenty of rough moments too: moments of conflict, of anger, of worry. There’s definitely prayer and gratitude and perspective. There are so many blessings.

Tonight, there was a family dunk contest, which I definitely lost. And a messy workout, an awesome family meal and a gorgeous sunset.

Tonight, we win. There was enough time. We did enough.

For others, this pandemic is absolutely life-changing. Other families are experiencing much harder days, sad or unrealized goodbyes, and end of life.

For some, truly, there’s never enough time…. and those are the ones on my heart tonight.

So hug your babies. Say the things you need to say.

Whatever you do with “all this time,” please stay home, stay safe and stay aware of your blessings and your reasons.

One Response

  1. Another beautiful thought provoking blog post! I have lot.s of time and still I am not finding that I am reading as much as I would like! God bless everyone spending their days putting in the time.

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